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Representative Engagements

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Audit

A money services business (MSB) and small dollar lender requested an independent audit of its anti-money laundering (AML) compliance program. The engagement was based on regulatory guidance and the relevant requirements of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) Examination Procedures. We assessed the AML Program commensurate with the company’s risk profile and focused the program on the “four pillars” of AML compliance including development of internal policies, procedures, and related controls; designation of a Bank Secrecy Act compliance officer; effective training program; and independent review for compliance. As part of the engagement, we also reviewed the company’s AML risk assessment for adequacy and completeness. The MSB received a report outlining findings and recommendations for a more robust and compliant AML program.

Client Type

Consumer Finance – Money Services Business

Service Type

Compliance Audit

Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism

CrossCheck performs Anti-Money Laundering/Countering the Financing of Terrorism independent audits for the various client segments it serves. Our approach is based on the examination guidelines published by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) and FinCEN requirements. An independent audit provides management with an unbiased assessment of compliance with the anti-money laundering requirements and raises the state of regulatory compliance within the institution. The recommendations we provide help improve operational and compliance controls.

Client Type

Regional Bank ($10 – $50 billion in assets)

Intermediate Bank ($1 – $10 billion in assets)

Community Bank (<$1 billion in assets)

Mortgage Banking – Originator

Mortgage Banking – Servicer

Consumer Finance


Service Type

Independent Audit

Audit Co-Source

Continued growth and increased regulatory scrutiny prompted a client to have CrossCheck assist them with the implementation of an internal audit function. After developing an audit charter, performing an audit risk assessment, and providing a multi-year internal audit plan, we assigned experienced internal audit consultants to complete the audit plan. The goal of an internal audit is to identify areas for improvement in the institution’s control environment, policies, procedures and practices, and to provide practical, sustainable recommendations that address the root cause of issues identified. Each internal audit consultant assigned to the engagement was equipped with the knowledge and experience needed to fully understand the functional area being audited and make value added recommendations. In addition to completing the audit plan each year, we regularly provide reports to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, and provide ongoing consultation to the institution as needed.

Client Type

Intermediate Bank – ($1 – $10 billion in assets)

Community Bank (<$1 billion in assets)

Credit Union

Mortgage Banking – Originator

Mortgage Banking – Servicer

Service Type

Audit Function Development

California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation (DFPI, formerly DBO) Per Diem Interest Audit

Assisted a large mortgage lender defend allegations by the Department of Business Oversight that it had not properly computed per diem interest on California loan closings. The lender engaged CrossCheck to perform an audit of a sample of loans selected by the DBO and recompute the per diem interest. Our findings and insights helped the lender favorably resolve the allegations with the DBO, improve their processes and avoid significant fines.

Client Type

Mortgage Company

Law Firm

Service Type

Compliance Audit

Compliance Management System (CMS) Audit

A money services business (MSB) and small dollar lender requested an audit of their compliance management system (CMS) and consumer lending practices including loan origination, payment processing & servicing, returned item processing, and credit bureau reporting. The objective was to assess the effectiveness, accuracy, and timeliness of the client’s compliance controls and processes and to provide recommendations for policy and control improvements, as well as best-practice solutions to mitigate audit findings and their associated risks. The MSB received a report outlining regulatory findings and improvements to their process to help deter future regulatory issues and improve operational efficiencies.

Client Type

Consumer Finance – Money Services Business

Service Type

Compliance Audit

Internal Audit Plan Development and Risk Assessment

Continued growth and increased regulatory and investor scrutiny have prompted a number of mid-size, private non-depository mortgage servicers, originators, and fintech companies to implement an internal audit function. CrossCheck deploys experienced and certified internal auditors to assist with development of an internal audit plan including a risk assessment, audit schedule, and management and board reporting. CrossCheck also executes the plan and provides consultation to the institution as needed on a full out-sourced or co-sourced partner arrangement. As a result, clients have an understanding of the key operational and compliance risks in their company and are successful in meeting investor (e.g. Fannie Mae MORA), state, and CFPB requirements.

Client Type

Mortgage Banking – Originator

Mortgage Banking – Servicer


Service Type

Audit Function Development

Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS®) Independent Audit

Institutions with more than 1,000 mortgage loans registered with MERS® are required to have an independent third party monitor their process for obtaining, retaining, reconciling, and submitting mortgage registration data against their MERS® quality assurance plans. We have performed this role for a number of servicers, providing both the servicer and MERS® with an unbiased evaluation of the servicer’s procedures for complying with MERS® rules and requirements. Additionally, as servicers near the 1,000 registered loan threshold CrossCheck has assisted in developing and implementing the procedures needed to successfully meet the MERS® annual requirements.

Client Type

Mortgage Banking – Servicer

Community Bank (<$1 billion in assets)

Intermediate Bank ($1 – $10 billion in assets)

Regional Bank ($10 – $50 billion in assets)

Large Bank (over $50 billion in assets)

Service Type

Operational Audit

Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS®) System to System Reconciliation

Mortgage servicers are required to reconcile its System of Record to the MERS® System data monthly or quarterly if servicing fewer than 1,000 mortgage identification number (“MIN”) records.  CrossCheck completes this reconciliation quickly and seamlessly ensuring all the required data elements including “required and conditionally required fields” are reconciled to the MERS® system. Once the data extracts are provided, CrossCheck’s data engineers complete the reconciliation and provide detailed reports of the differences identified so they can be remediated.

Client Type

Mortgage Banking – Servicer

Community Bank (<$1 billion in assets)

Regional Bank ($10 – $50 billion in assets)

Service Type

Operational Audit

Mortgage Operations Audit

The client requested CrossCheck perform an assessment of its mortgage and home equity operations. The scope and objective of this review included an assessment of compliance with applicable consumer and safety and soundness regulations, evaluation of internal controls, determination of adherence to and effectiveness of the bank’s policies and procedures, and comparison to industry standards and best practices. This independent review provided the client with an unbiased evaluation to strengthen its operations and reduce its overall risk exposure.


Client Type

Regional Bank ($10 – $50 billion in assets)

Service Type

Compliance Audit
Operational Audit

Truth in Lending and RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) Compliance Monitoring

With all the challenges and nuances of the new Know Before You Owe (TRID) rules, management requested CrossCheck perform quarterly monitoring of its compliance with the TRID requirements. We established a quarterly process to select and review a sample of the bank’s new loan production, stratifying the sample for higher risk issues and out of tolerance situations that could result in expensive customer reimbursements. We identified the root causes of many of the issues, and recommended operational enhancements to reduce recurrence of errors. Management used the trending analysis reports we provided to track progress over time, and was able to make the operational changes it needed to address compliance going forward.

Client Type

Intermediate Bank ($1 – $10 billion in assets)

Service Type

Compliance Audit